FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions
What is DDStats?
DDStats is a website showing various statistics related to DDNet. As opposed to the offical DDNet website, it shows more indepth data and statistics.
How often is the data updated?
DDStats checks for an updated DDNet dump every hour, so generally starts processing the previous day's updates at 4:00 GMT. Cache is set to be non-immutable then and expires at 6:00 GMT, so a hard refresh in those two hours may update the data for you if it has not but is available.
Where does DDStats get its data?
DDStats uses the SQLite database export from ddnet.org to get information about player data. DDStats gets information about playtime from the ddnet.org master archive. Playtime is tracked across all servers from both 0.6 and 0.7. Unfortunately the playtime data only goes back to May 18, 2021.
Does DDStats have an API?
Yes, you can get player and map data as JSON via the following routes:
Player | /player/json?player=furo |
Profile | /profile/json?player=furo |
Map | /map/json?map=Multeasymap |
Who is behind this website?
DDStats was started by furo. You can contact them on one of the following platforms:
Discord | furo321 |
furo@posteo.net | |
XMPP | furo@qwik.space |
furo lost interest in the game and project, and DDStats is now (with furo's permission) hosted and maintained by IsaacElenbaas. See here for their contact information.