FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions

What is DDStats?

DDStats is a website showing various statistics related to DDNet. As opposed to the offical DDNet website, it shows more indepth data and statistics.

How often is the data updated?

DDStats updates the data every 24 hours at 6 AM CET.

Where does DDStats get its data?

DDStats uses the SQLite database export from ddnet.org to get information about player data. DDStats gets information about playtime from the ddnet.org master archive. Playtime is tracked across all servers from both 0.6 and 0.7. Unfortunately the playtime data only goes back to May 18, 2021.

Does DDStats have an API?

Yes, you can get player and map data as JSON via the following routes,

Player /player/json?player=furo
Profile /profile/json?player=furo
Map /map/json?map=Multeasymap
All maps /maps/json

Does DDStats have a Discord bot?

No. While there used to be one in the past, it has since been shutdown.

What skin database does DDStats use?

DDStats scrapes skins from DDNet, Teedata and skins.tee.world. So, if your skin is missing on DDStats. You can upload it to one of those and it will show up here. You can see a list of all avaliable skins or download all of them: here.

Who is behind this website?

DDStats is run by furo. If you have any feature requests or found a bug, feel free to contact me on one of the following platforms,

Discord furo321
E-mail furo@posteo.net
XMPP furo@qwik.space