Leaderboard for the most played maps

# Category Map Playtime Most addicted
1 Oldschool AiP-Gores 132 years mahser (2083 hours)
2 Oldschool 1TeeMap 22 years _aogiri_ (223 hours)
3 Oldschool Just Fly 1 22 years sinecly (192 hours)
4 Oldschool Multimap 10 years Colo-Colo (541 hours)
5 Oldschool Killa 3 6 years 1 (27 hours)
6 Oldschool Warch Comp 5 years DAYNhunt (53 hours)
7 Oldschool Skillz 4 5 years 798790009 (34 hours)
8 Oldschool Aqua 4 years Chipau (65 hours)
9 Oldschool Skillz 6 4 years 星宇小灵 (44 hours)
10 Oldschool HDP_Obstaculos 3 years squirDER (62 hours)
11 Oldschool Skillz 1 3 years かわ余 (17 hours)
12 Oldschool Atticus Compilation 3 years かわ余 (45 hours)
13 Oldschool Pablik 2 3 years vvviktop (32 hours)
14 Oldschool Koule 7 2 years 星宇小灵 (45 hours)
15 Oldschool Skillz 5 2 years excelking (22 hours)
16 Oldschool Just Fly 2 2 years 1 (35 hours)
17 Oldschool Skillz 3 2 years cddd (52 hours)
18 Oldschool Amor 2 2 years wpa.OuO (26 hours)
19 Oldschool AipKoule 2 years (1)OnLy (18 hours)
20 Oldschool Koule 10 2 years June (25 hours)
21 Oldschool Madness 1 2 years Princess (34 hours)
22 Oldschool Troj 2 years 仇笑痴 (24 hours)
23 Oldschool StoneHell-Gores 2 years мотечка (103 hours)
24 Oldschool Skillz 2 2 years かわ余 (31 hours)
25 Oldschool Josen 2 years 女神 (23 hours)
26 Oldschool WoFs 2 years Emp (28 hours)
27 Oldschool Koule 3 2 years 小喵喵 (19 hours)
28 Oldschool Universe 1 year 蘿莉胖次 (23 hours)
29 Oldschool Amor 1 1 year wpa.OuO (32 hours)
30 Oldschool Interlude 1 year ~斌恋~ (39 hours)
31 Oldschool Encore 1 year 你の名字 (24 hours)
32 Oldschool Generic Hell 1 year 1 (28 hours)
33 Oldschool Koule 5 1 year 派吶止供夥 (20 hours)
34 Oldschool Pablik 3 1 year i3slkiller (22 hours)
35 Oldschool Just Fly 3 1 year PlantKnight (29 hours)
36 Oldschool Koule 4 1 year Jackel (21 hours)
37 Oldschool Lost 3 1 year MMMM (27 hours)
38 Oldschool Alaska 1 year 我邱條 (20 hours)
39 Oldschool bBzZ!! 1 year White Shark (14 hours)
40 Oldschool Koule 1 1 year 派吶止供夥 (25 hours)
41 Oldschool Synergy 1 year Jey (25 hours)
42 Oldschool 17_Jungle 1 year ~斌恋~ (39 hours)
43 Oldschool Be Happy 1 year ChillerDragon (43 hours)
44 Oldschool himmel 1 year pussy_destroyer (21 hours)
45 Oldschool Eagle Race Compilation 1 year ~斌恋~ (28 hours)
46 Oldschool Im No Superman 2 1 year CTUL_DEDA (23 hours)
47 Oldschool Teestar 1 year [D] 爸爸 (20 hours)
48 Oldschool Tee-forever-X17 1 year 鱼惊水 (20 hours)
49 Oldschool Tibto 1 year 菠萝菠萝蜜 (20 hours)
50 Oldschool Kovcheg 1 year MOKA (15 hours)
51 Oldschool Haunted Dungeon 1 year pdkawpdrtuu (17 hours)
52 Oldschool Hardcore 2 1 year 拆尼斯空府 (16 hours)
53 Oldschool Miper 5 1 year asdfs_1 (15 hours)
54 Oldschool Koule 12 1 year YömYöm~ (22 hours)
55 Oldschool Campotle 4 1 year 有一天我在 (18 hours)
56 Oldschool Freeze Slow 3 1 year 798790009 (18 hours)
57 Oldschool himmel 2 1 year 灰太狼 (25 hours)
58 Oldschool Lite_2 1 year Aslan (24 hours)
59 Oldschool experiment 1 year 你の名字 (19 hours)
60 Oldschool UnrealMap 1 year JARRY (28 hours)
61 Oldschool Hardcore 4 1 year pinfandsj (8 hours)
62 Oldschool Koule 17 1 year epicneon (28 hours)
63 Oldschool Madness 4 8679 hours 香菜小羊 (21 hours)
64 Oldschool Hardcore 1 8664 hours Kix's dog (8 hours)
65 Oldschool Madness 2 8658 hours 1 (23 hours)
66 Oldschool Hardcore 3 8477 hours 毕之 (14 hours)
67 Oldschool Paradise & Hell 8430 hours KFC蛋挞 (14 hours)
68 Oldschool Killa5 8380 hours BOMBOKLAK223 (13 hours)
69 Oldschool Insanity 8289 hours xuxu (9 hours)
70 Oldschool Lost 2 8279 hours [+] (20 hours)
71 Oldschool Jailbreak 3 8256 hours 花叔叔_i (11 hours)
72 Oldschool Freeze Slow 4 8238 hours Shaco (13 hours)
73 Oldschool Ironprison 8137 hours Had78 (22 hours)
74 Oldschool Miper 4 8129 hours かわ余 (16 hours)
75 Oldschool ddrace_loop 7901 hours 麵包bread (16 hours)
76 Oldschool Hardcore 5 7841 hours excelking (19 hours)
77 Oldschool Pyramid-freeze-race 7833 hours ??? (19 hours)
78 Oldschool Victory 2 7741 hours 灰山 (28 hours)
79 Oldschool Ray - 1 7666 hours 稚呦’ (12 hours)
80 Oldschool Inception Oldschool 7595 hours ShenFRusH (55 hours)
81 Oldschool Reload 4 7557 hours excelking (17 hours)
82 Oldschool Zadrotos 2 7513 hours тэфтели (18 hours)
83 Oldschool Unlimited 7387 hours I'm suck (20 hours)
84 Oldschool Baber 7274 hours 好累好困 (15 hours)
85 Oldschool Paradise 7266 hours 啊哈哈 (41 hours)
86 Oldschool Fucktastic 7112 hours 沐崽 (37 hours)
87 Oldschool Im No Superman 3 6933 hours 1 (20 hours)
88 Oldschool Freeze Slow 2 6923 hours 麵包bread (12 hours)
89 Oldschool Hell Ride 6913 hours Andrew (19 hours)
90 Oldschool HDP_Zinderencio 6879 hours Edge (15 hours)
91 Oldschool Fresh 6872 hours =Pipou= (10 hours)
92 Oldschool Koule 2 6794 hours (22 hours)
93 Oldschool LongCat 6730 hours JoaoPedro (10 hours)
94 Oldschool Fahrenheit 6727 hours excelking (13 hours)
95 Oldschool Freeze Slow 1 6724 hours 理性冷静 (21 hours)
96 Oldschool Hardstyle 3 6644 hours 1 (16 hours)
97 Oldschool Predator 1 6601 hours 大树 (23 hours)
98 Oldschool Paralytic 6433 hours Konsti (29 hours)
99 Oldschool Jailbreak 1 6362 hours MeMBraNe (15 hours)
100 Oldschool FreeDoom2 6269 hours ʄǟʄh (41 hours)
101 Oldschool Striped Clouds 6262 hours 1 (23 hours)
102 Oldschool Zadrotos 3 6232 hours 小狐仙儿i (11 hours)
103 Oldschool DDPika_remake 6213 hours PoKeMoN [TD] (22 hours)
104 Oldschool Sadway 6132 hours (13 hours)
105 Oldschool Victory 4 6120 hours rb20070530 (19 hours)
106 Oldschool Exfishion 6097 hours 猫猫不吃鱼 (14 hours)
107 Oldschool Im No Superman 1 6093 hours WZ (9 hours)
108 Oldschool Dust 6063 hours [本体]XCWQW1 (15 hours)
109 Oldschool Hardcore 7 6035 hours 麵包bread (17 hours)
110 Oldschool Eruption 6018 hours YömYöm~ (19 hours)
111 Oldschool Paranormal 6009 hours 夕夕Li (11 hours)
112 Oldschool Orange 4 5984 hours Deathman (12 hours)
113 Oldschool Madness 3 5972 hours 口香糖 (15 hours)
114 Oldschool Oh-This 5969 hours 麵包bread (27 hours)
115 Oldschool Interlude 2 5938 hours 坐牢啦 (20 hours)
116 Oldschool Killa2 5855 hours 我邱條 (27 hours)
117 Oldschool EaSy_HarD 4 5749 hours AIIERE (13 hours)
118 Oldschool Miper 3 5733 hours давлопв (26 hours)
119 Oldschool DeadCore 3 5672 hours Konsti (24 hours)
120 Oldschool Impossible 1 5617 hours chicken (20 hours)
121 Oldschool Who's Faster 5503 hours Sorak (15 hours)
122 Oldschool Hardcore 9 5495 hours Koi (10 hours)
123 Oldschool Divergence 5454 hours Dám7 (13 hours)
124 Oldschool Hardstyle 1 5365 hours かわ余 (29 hours)
125 Oldschool Zadrotos_final 5358 hours 有一天我在 (11 hours)
126 Oldschool Broken World 5225 hours Hav (18 hours)
127 Oldschool Koule 11 5115 hours sinecly (13 hours)
128 Oldschool The Ultimate Rainbow 5105 hours 我要睡觉了 (10 hours)
129 Oldschool Piece of cake 5092 hours disco cat1234 (17 hours)
130 Oldschool Flyppi 5024 hours 大树 (16 hours)
131 Oldschool Infinity 5014 hours Kvarz (12 hours)
132 Oldschool Campotle 1 5000 hours 幽镜玄 (15 hours)
133 Oldschool Victory 1 4920 hours sMo0g (40 hours)
134 Oldschool Orange 2 4904 hours sMo0g (19 hours)
135 Oldschool Orange 1 4857 hours かわ余 (7 hours)
136 Oldschool ResidentSS 4829 hours KB貓 (14 hours)
137 Oldschool Professional 4794 hours gigichadik (12 hours)
138 Oldschool Impossible 2 4787 hours 捡只猫 (12 hours)
139 Oldschool Lost 4741 hours 200 (18 hours)
140 Oldschool -273 4662 hours мефка (15 hours)
141 Oldschool Redneck Rampage 4653 hours MaCRoYale (18 hours)
142 Oldschool Pirateworld 4637 hours 阿哲 (10 hours)
143 Oldschool Warch_hard_2_rework 4630 hours Mertristy (10 hours)
144 Oldschool Bush 4588 hours goldzera (22 hours)
145 Oldschool Reload 3 4579 hours 喵星人 (12 hours)
146 Oldschool Crimson 4567 hours 快乐小超人 (19 hours)
147 Oldschool LichKing 4560 hours PlantKnight (50 hours)
148 Oldschool Tremor 4534 hours garry130176 (15 hours)
149 Oldschool mo_factory 4493 hours 旋转小陀螺 (14 hours)
150 Oldschool Destiny 1 4352 hours WALL-E (21 hours)
151 Oldschool Jailbreak 2 4292 hours 涨起来 (18 hours)
152 Oldschool FLAP 4272 hours IsaacISF (30 hours)
153 Oldschool Destiny 3 4208 hours 1 (9 hours)
154 Oldschool Hardstyle 2 4144 hours 798790009 (17 hours)
155 Oldschool Triple Kill 4125 hours Tarzan (22 hours)
156 Oldschool Hardtime 4090 hours 快乐小超人 (11 hours)
157 Oldschool Red Japan 4085 hours 三彡 (19 hours)
158 Oldschool HellFly 3992 hours SXXX (22 hours)
159 Oldschool WeichCore 3946 hours Bless & Law (9 hours)
160 Oldschool Just Hookfly 1 3914 hours mixun (17 hours)
161 Oldschool ddrace_shella4 3913 hours 35p (12 hours)
162 Oldschool Reload 1 3894 hours 그그사 (12 hours)
163 Oldschool Easyfail 1 3794 hours The real LOL (10 hours)
164 Oldschool Continuum 3762 hours 浪子 (12 hours)
165 Oldschool Delirium 3759 hours Exotix (8 hours)
166 Oldschool Zadrotos 5 3708 hours 2253374727 (11 hours)
167 Oldschool Eclipse_oldschool 3707 hours ~斌恋~ (13 hours)
168 Oldschool Barbra Streisand_remake 3639 hours Kanna (10 hours)
169 Oldschool Ultimatum 1 3631 hours ♫ComoLoKKo♫ (16 hours)
170 Oldschool Zadrotos 1 3594 hours Elikxer (75 hours)
171 Oldschool intime green 3554 hours MeMBraNe (23 hours)
172 Oldschool Ultimatum 3 3519 hours Pioooooo (8 hours)
173 Oldschool To Light 3498 hours 7% (9 hours)
174 Oldschool Impossible 3 3474 hours 我是菜逼 (11 hours)
175 Oldschool Koule 14 3422 hours НЕФОР228 (12 hours)
176 Oldschool Killa4 3418 hours wiwit (10 hours)
177 Oldschool Jailbreak 7 3337 hours HELL YEAAAAH (26 hours)
178 Oldschool Stereotype 4 3304 hours The real LOL (44 hours)
179 Oldschool Koule 15 3248 hours ZXCa1m (6 hours)
180 Oldschool Hardstyle 4 3214 hours SxolarBit (9 hours)
181 Oldschool Hedgehogs 3166 hours yuuh (27 hours)
182 Oldschool Proskills 3160 hours 陽光泡泡 (16 hours)
183 Oldschool Illusion 3098 hours ~斌恋~ (7 hours)
184 Oldschool Jailbreak 5 3097 hours крутойё (11 hours)
185 Oldschool Endgame 3086 hours 喜宁 (10 hours)
186 Oldschool dd_VeoN1 3078 hours 藍藍是菜雞 (11 hours)
187 Oldschool DarkCore 1 3047 hours V5*AlexOFF|Cola (10 hours)
188 Oldschool Lost_Ground 3041 hours 蘿莉胖次 (18 hours)
189 Oldschool StrangeNight 3031 hours sinecly's cat (25 hours)
190 Oldschool ddrace_shella2 3027 hours черкаш (11 hours)
191 Oldschool Space Travel 2993 hours busta. (10 hours)
192 Oldschool DarkCore 3 2984 hours БОРЯ СИГ (8 hours)
193 Oldschool Somewhere in the Sky 2947 hours かわ余 (21 hours)
194 Oldschool Campotle 3 2864 hours joshuabentl (16 hours)
195 Oldschool DeadCore 2 2850 hours 菠萝菠萝蜜 (14 hours)
196 Oldschool Jailbreak 4 2774 hours MareaRespetuosa (9 hours)
197 Oldschool Poreotics 2769 hours 欣七 (12 hours)
198 Oldschool Oscura 2685 hours SpeedyGER (6 hours)
199 Oldschool IronBreak 2675 hours 得闲饮茶a (10 hours)
200 Oldschool Koule 8 2671 hours Axaris (11 hours)
201 Oldschool Just Hookfly 2 2626 hours 啊哈哈 (16 hours)
202 Oldschool Wanderlust 2555 hours Hav (12 hours)
203 Oldschool Reload 2 2554 hours Matodor (12 hours)
204 Oldschool Victory 5 2533 hours Sté (14 hours)
205 Oldschool Omega1 2524 hours 菠萝菠萝蜜 (14 hours)
206 Oldschool Zadrotos 4 2495 hours Kirby (27 hours)
207 Oldschool Hardcore 6 2482 hours Лис (19 hours)
208 Oldschool City of Death 2435 hours air мокси (16 hours)
209 Oldschool Merely forth 2 2433 hours The real LOL (24 hours)
210 Oldschool 3moons 2424 hours PLS UNLOCK ME (17 hours)
211 Oldschool Lykeion 2394 hours 喧嚣之城 (10 hours)
212 Oldschool Last Chance 2379 hours Skystrife (39 hours)
213 Oldschool Castoreum 2375 hours [NOOB]Loki (8 hours)
214 Oldschool Orange 3 2316 hours Hav (12 hours)
215 Oldschool Stereotype 2 2293 hours Jormy (17 hours)
216 Oldschool Koule 16 2232 hours Obliviate (6 hours)
217 Oldschool Stereotype 3 2162 hours Kandiishop (22 hours)
218 Oldschool Koule 13 2118 hours Ju!ce (8 hours)
219 Oldschool tough way 2 2090 hours Kane (7 hours)
220 Oldschool ddrace_shella3 2089 hours 35p (6 hours)
221 Oldschool Victory 3 2076 hours 歪?在吗? (12 hours)
222 Oldschool Koule 6 2063 hours aton (15 hours)
223 Oldschool Dead Darkness 2050 hours RedRay32 (8 hours)
224 Oldschool Campotle 2 2046 hours playsnow1 (5 hours)
225 Oldschool Stereotype 1 2043 hours Revyshka (12 hours)
226 Oldschool 2moons 2026 hours метадон (12 hours)
227 Oldschool Ultimatum 2 1982 hours boisya (13 hours)
228 Oldschool Big-Jungle 1950 hours негр ёба (24 hours)
229 Oldschool Lite 1950 hours Cøke (15 hours)
230 Oldschool Killa1 1942 hours GdBrMatheus (11 hours)
231 Oldschool HDP_Execrable 1894 hours SELAM BEN EBEN (7 hours)
232 Oldschool DeadCore 1 1890 hours zessU (14 hours)
233 Oldschool Campotle 5 1882 hours Kirby (14 hours)
234 Oldschool Koule 9 1758 hours Filin (6 hours)
235 Oldschool DarkCore 2 1754 hours 圣诞辑霸猫 (6 hours)
236 Oldschool Stereotype 5 1652 hours Kunilifloss (28 hours)
237 Oldschool Imba 1613 hours 604946265 (10 hours)
238 Oldschool DarkCore 4 1613 hours spur (8 hours)
239 Oldschool fr_drop 1601 hours Toksis.ry (7 hours)
240 Oldschool Destiny 2 1454 hours Kandiifloss (18 hours)
241 Oldschool Merely forth 1432 hours Ansel (13 hours)
242 Oldschool Jailbreak 6 1419 hours Kandiifloss (12 hours)
243 Oldschool Sunrise 1404 hours Latexxs. (6 hours)
244 Oldschool Qwertz 1375 hours 小喵喵 (6 hours)
245 Oldschool FreeDoom 1361 hours 直叶 (13 hours)
246 Oldschool tough way 1344 hours 菜菜捞捞. (13 hours)
247 Oldschool Hardcore 8 1317 hours 幻想 (4 hours)
248 Oldschool Blue 1237 hours b (12 hours)
249 Oldschool Awe 4 1219 hours Bambikiller (7 hours)
250 Oldschool Metal hell 1107 hours malta (10 hours)
251 Oldschool Animus 1081 hours 月满 (12 hours)
252 Oldschool Oh-This 2 987 hours Cøke (10 hours)
253 Oldschool Imagination 840 hours DooRn (14 hours)